A vital aspect of operating a short-term rental is the daunting task of furnishing the home with everything it needs and nothing that it doesn't. This includes basic necessities in the right quantities as well as desing elements and ambiance.
BnB Equity Group's properties receive rave reviews for being the best stocked vacation rentals and for our comfortable beds and homes. Use our comprehensive Checklist And Buying Guide to assist you in getting those same happy guests leaving great reviews and the convenience of having everything ship directly to you saving you hours in time and money.
These are all items that we use and love and/or have fully vetted. If you decide to make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I'll earn some tea sipping money (organic, of course!). You do not pay a higher price.
Lock Boxes
Place duplicate set of all keys in a secured location on property for emergency access by owner and/or staff.
We use Master Lock options: "push button" and "key lock box". Staff and guests remember short words better than random numbers.
Be sure to order 2 lock boxes.
Guests want to feel at home and to live like a local. Provide everything that they might need to prepare a meal, bake holiday goodies, or popcorn for movie night. Be sure to have enough dinnerware, silverware, and drinking glasses for twice the number of maximum guests so that they do not need to be washing dishes constantly.